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Karya Ilmiah Dosen
Community-Based Tourism as An Effort to Increase Women's Participation and Social Inclusion Receiving Tourism Benefits
Today's tourism is the alternative solution to maintaining the community's environmental, economic, and cultural
heritage. Seeing the enormous opportunity for tourism contribution to sustainable development, efforts are needed to
encourage the acceleration of the SDGs goals in Indonesia through tourism. Community involvement or participation
is one of the keys to achieving this goal. In carrying out this research, researchers focused on community involvement,
especially women's involvement. This study aims to analyze women's participation and social inclusion in receiving
tourism benefits and to develop strategies to increase women's participation and social inclusion in receiving tourism
benefits. The research location is located in several community-based tourist attractions in Cirebon City. This research
design uses quantitative and qualitative approaches. Describes women's participation in community-based tourism
development and optimization by forming development strategies. Based on the Importance Performance analysis
results on the performance of women's involvement, it can be seen that the increase in participation needs to be
increased, with the average performance being at a point of 4.9 and a vital perspective score of 6.4. Based on the results
of the FGDs that have been carried out, the main strategic recommendations are to increase the confidence and
competence of women, both those who have been involved and those who have the potential to attend tourism, including
benefiting from it.
EKIDUPT220082 | 910.2/EKIDUPT220082 | Perpustakaan Pusat | T E R S E D I A |
Lampiran Berkas
Informasi Detil
Judul Seri |
No. Panggil |
Penerbit | Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pancasila: Jakarta., 2022 |
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Tipe Media |
Tipe Pembawa |
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