Image of How to Build A Green Banking Image: An Effort to Establish the Citizenship Behavior and Environmental Organizational Culture

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How to Build A Green Banking Image: An Effort to Establish the Citizenship Behavior and Environmental Organizational Culture

Companies need some efforts to establish organizational citizenship behavior and also enter green concepts in ethical philosophy into the culture of the organization. However, for banks, it is not easy because the service performance is formed by the characters of the employees. The study aims and reveals the fact on how far the behavior of citizenship and cultural organizations can establish an environmentally friendly green image and an impact on banking competitive advantage. This study is conducted by a survey to the company employees engaged in banking industry. The sample is determined by purposive sampling as many as 114 employees of banks in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to evaluate the hypotheses regarding relationships among model constructs. In banking industry, citizenship behavior and organizational culture influence the development of environmentally friendly green corporate image but the green competitive advantages have no direct influence. Citizenship behavior and organizational culture affect the environmentally friendly green competitive advantage through forming a green corporate image. This research is conducted in a limited area so findings are less generalized. Companies engaged in banking industry can shape the citizenship behavior by cooperation, mutual help, giving advice, active participation, and extra services as well as the use of effective working time. The green culture within the organization can be established with the organization's commitment to the environment. The image of banking industry will be formed as a company that is committed to applying the principles of sustainable development and improving the ability to manage risks that have impact on the environment. This image will encourage the company to become the prime mover of growth in the green environment which will make a green economy based initiatives. Thus it would potentially create new economic growth and new jobs, and reduce poverty. The results of this study can be applied in industry-based environment, in terms of internal efforts that shape the behavior of citizenship and cultural organizations with environmental and external efforts to green corporate image development that will have an impact on the corporate advantage in competition.


EKIDUPT180023EKIDUPT180023Perpustakaan Pusat (EKIDUPT180023)B A C A

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Judul Seri
European Journal of Social Sciences
No. Panggil
Penerbit European Journal of Social Sciences FRDN Incorporated: Victoria.,
Deskripsi Fisik
16 p.
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
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