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Karya Ilmiah Mahasiswa
Gambaran Konsep Diri Pada Dewasa Muda Yang Mengalami Adiksi Cybersex
The purpose of this research was to looked the descriptive of the self-concept in young adults who experienced cybersex addiction. Self-concept is a whole picture or consciousness owned from ourselves that which concerns about feelings, belief, and values instilled and cybersex addiction is a pattern of behaviors that repeated failures to control behavior cybersex, as well as behavior that cybersex done continuously although harmful consequences are already known. This research used descriptive approach, with data collection techniques used a questionnaire online. Data was obtained through two measuring instrument namely measuring instrument selfconcept and measuring instrument cybersex addiction.Respondents of this research were young adults aged 21-35 years, as many as 84 people who did behaviors of cybersex and duration of time based on access for 5 hours per weeks. Behavior of cybersex meant is individual who committed sexual activity using device good online or offline. Based on the research done descriptive show individuals having self concept positive had low tendency cybersex addiction, instead of individuals having self concept negative had high tendency of cybersex addiction.
S-0418 | S 0418 WIL g | Perpustakaan Fakultas Psikologi | T E R S E D I A |
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S 0418 WIL g
Penerbit | Fakultas Psikologi UP: ., 2017 |
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